Imagine being the expert that people say a YES to.
Your Expertise is needed on Insight Timer!
Creating the future you desire to see.
Facilitating the Collective Awakening.
The journey you've been through.
Have your work reaching 23 million spiritual seekers who are ready to find you.
Attract new high-end clients,
and be paid passive income.
Get the algorithm working in your favour, reach more people than you do on FB or Instagram...
and see them saying YES much quicker....
✔ Refine your Offer to be Insight Timer friendly
✔ Pick the most suitable features for you
✔ Find Cohesion on your Funnel
✔ Put together a Strategy that suits you
✔ Develop your Brand Pillars
✔ Create your Communication Plan
(what to share, when, where?)
✔ Intuit your Brand Statement
(What do you really stand for?)
✔ Develop your Content Pillars
✔ Pathway to warm up Cold Audiences
(what IT features suit you best?)
✔ Create Polarising Content
(what sets you apart)
✔ Develop your Confidence with your Message through Innovative Content
✔ Grow Online Presence through
Compelling Video
✔ Intuit your Soul Aligned Sales Pitch
✔ Deliver Value with unique perspective
(Give, give, give... invite... then receeeeeive)
✔ Develop a Clear "Resources Page"
✔ Develop Concepts for your Compelling Freebie
✔ Bridging your Freebie to your Offer
✔Curating the right Course Ideas
“I joined Insight Timer to increase my brand awareness. It has blown my mind how much quicker potential clients become real clients as they are ready to heal.
Receiving donations on a daily basis is what keeps me wanting to show up online to a group of engaged people. I was puzzled that my course attracted already over 1,000 students, which also has generated 1k in passive income in less than 2 months!”
Board Certified Dance Movement Therapist & Trauma Specialist, Lasting Love Program
“I am so grateful to Camila for creating this amazing program. Being on Insight Timer gave me the opportunity to share my work and help many others around the globe to heal.
I’ve grown my community substantially and my meditations and courses are reaching thousands of people and generating a generous passive income to complement my healing business”.
Energy Healer and Ecstatic Dance Facilitator, The Ecstatic Evolution
“I’ve always known I had so much to share to help others heal from trauma, but I was getting caught up in some insecurities and perfectionism.
I was letting life get in the way and Camila provided such a high-touch support and encouragement to get started. Doing it with other like-minded healers and having that space to create what I know I am capable of was life-changing! Just get started!
Energy Healer and Ecstatic Dance Facilitator, The Ecstatic Evolution
7-week Group Program
6x 90 minutes Group Coaching Mastermind
1x 90 minutes 1:1 Bespoke Strategy Session with Camila
BONUS for a Limited Time
Become a Teacher on Insight Timer Course
4x Bonus Co-working Calls (Value $200) - to get things done!
Lifetime Access to the Course Modules.
I've grown 6k followers on Insight Timer organically in less than 3 years and have taught over 100 Leaders to thrive on Insight Timer.
I help Multi-passionate Soulpreneurs like YOU grow your business, sell authentically in a way that is aligned with your STRENGTHS and NERVOUS SYSTEM.
I combine 14 years of Business Experience with 13 years as an Intuitive Energy Worker to help right-brainers create structures that streamline their wisdom into tangible Soul Signatures Programs that sell.
As a bridge between the Structure and Creative, I believe healers can underestimate their gifts, so in my work, I reflect back their geniuses, which translates into confidence in their gifts which make the impact we wanna see in the world.